Perineal and Anal Sphincter Trauma · Diagnosis and Clinical Management

Perineal and Anal Sphincter Trauma · Diagnosis and Clinical Management

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Te faltan 51.00 edpoints
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ISBN 9781852339265
Encuadernacion TAPA DURA
Te faltan 142.00 edpoints
ISBN 9781848009967
Te faltan 59.00 edpoints
Fenner, Dee E.

There has been an increase in litigation due to a failure of recognition of anal sphincter tears and inappropriate management. This aims to clarify and graphically demonstrate perineal anatomy and explain the pathophysiology of anal incontinence as well as applied pharmacology. It also institutes the new recommended classification of perineal tears and describes the various anal sphincter repair techniques. The emphasis is placed on the correct post-operative management, management of a subsequent pregnancy following previous anal sphincter injury and prevention of anal sphincter tears as an important issue that has not been given due consideration previously. The authors also focus on medical/legal implications in order to introduce safe medical practice.


The book will mostly be of interest to trainees and consultants, colorectal surgeons, physiotherapists, midwives, continence advisors, labour wards and lawyers.

Written for: Trainees and consultants in obstetrics and gynecology, colorectal surgeons, midwives, physiotherapists, gastroenterologists Keywords: Anorectal Incontinence Obstetric Anal Sphincter Trauma perineum sphincter 

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